I've decided that I am, in fact, back.

Posted by David on Thursday, December 01, 2011 comments (3)

I'm really back this time.
It's not a joke.
It's for real.
Get ready.
Because I promise to blow your face off.

So I'm looking for an Unfair Fight.

Posted by David on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 comments (0)

I haven't posted anything in several hundred years.
I don't really have a reason.
And you're not gonna get one from me...
So HAH!!!
At any rate, I've had a lot of things change for me in the past....reallly long time...and I'm currently a full-time student at the IPFW where I mostly walk around and look awkward during my breaks in class times.
I'm that guy.
I'm not particularly in a writing mood at the moment, so I'm gonna cut this short, however, I do plan to start writing regularly again...
Not that it matters...

I'm feeling disconnected - must have been something I said.

Posted by David on Friday, May 21, 2010 comments (2)

So. (Has anyone noticed that I pretty much start out every thought this way?) Today was the last day for exams..and the last day for moving out of the dorms. Needless to say, it was a very stressful day for me... I woke up early, went to my exam, finished at like 12:00 or so, then I went to my room and began chucking things into garbage bags and throwing them away. Even after I did this, I still had a bunch of crap. But, since I have so much experience from moving around like a million times I managed to fit my fridge, microwave, tv, two large bins, a trashcan containing my movies and random electronics, and my over-sized laundry basket into Winston (my Honda). I'm just amazing like that. There's still room in the passenger seat too. Sadly enough, there was no way for me to fit my carpet or my futon :[
After I was done moving everything, I had to clean teh room. I only swept and closed the blinds. Thay accepted it as being clean, so I was like, "cool."
Then I had to go to work :[
Some really rude lady came in and pretty much set me off... I was really emotional for no reason and I very nearly cried in front of her. But I reigned in my madness and I was very kind to her... The instant she left I started convulsing and almost broke down. But, we were busy, so I stuttered and shook my way through order after order until Riley came in and gave me a flower. (Thoughtful, no?)
So. Then I was more or less alright. But I got busy again for the next 2 hours and didn't get anything done that I usually get done before I lock up. I was like...hours behind, and I was still twitchy about what happened with that lady...I think it had to do with me being sleep-deprived and stressed over exams and not feeling adequate...then she showed up and tried to imply that I was stupid and that she was in some way superior. If I'd been in to position to lash out at her, I would've commented that nobody with her hair could ever be superior to me.
Whatever. She's probably stressed herself and it's possible she may ave unintentionally lashed out at me. It happens sometimes. It doesn't make it right, but I'm not the type of person not to consider others' feelings. Well, I am. But only on occasion. Like when I'm joking or I'm just really disconnected from the topic.
I'm really really tired. I'd like to sleep for days. But I still have a few things to do tomorrow. Then after that, I'm free!!!! Except for work.
That's still an upside.

How did we get here? I used to know you so well...

Posted by David on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 comments (0)

So yesterday was the faculty Rockband Concert!!!!!!
For those of you who are not familiar with Manchester College customs, this means that the faculty dropped their semi-professional personas and replaced them with raucous musical instruments...
My Analytical Chemistry professor took up a bass guitar, my Physics professor took up a drum set, several electric guitars and a freaking flute!!!! (And lemme just say that the flute has probably got to be one of the sexiest instruments ever...next to the violin, of course...) The Botany professor totally killed some Santana with his supafly guitar skillz, and one of the most demure English/Gender Studies professors belted "Proud Mary" as if she were some kind of diva... Needless to say the entire experience was fabulous.
Katharine Ings is hot. She did this whole intro thing where she talked all salaciously and such. It was mildly uncomfortable, but it was still a good time. She was backed up by 3 other professors (Kate Eisenbise - she teaches my Christian Traditions class, and Jena Oke - an art professor and some other professor I've never had before...) Anyways, they opened the show, and it was wonderful...
It only got better after that because Dr. Clark switched out his drum set for a flute and just blew everyone away..and right after that, he picked up a guitar and performed "Money" (originally by Pink Floyd) with Dr. Hicks and Judd Case (One of the most fabulous communications professors ever!)
Later, prof. Case took the lead on Bon Jovi's "It's My Life." and in the nature of a true communications professor, he used a talk box...A legit talk box. That's hella cool.
Anyways. The entire show was amazing. Siren and I were rather stunned and amazed at how fluid all of the professors were. We were also convinced that perhaps Katharine Ings would end the show by singing a Lady GaGa number...Sadly to say, the final song was infact Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'." I could've just killed everyone in that damn audience..I despise Journey...and that damn song is still stuck in my head...
Whatever. I'm still swooning from Greg's fabulous flute playin' and his stunning guitar skillz (he double picked like a champ!) I just wish it could have lasted longer... I hope I can get a tape from Jenna. I will totally post it if I can get my hands on one...

She has a little creepy cat and a little creepy bat , little rocking chair and an old blue hat...

Posted by David on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 comments (3)

My darling Carrie has also responded to my request. She said that she would choose to live in a painting by Van Gogh (She also said she'd like to live in one of Monet's water lily paintings as well as one of Salvador Dali's floppy clock painting. Normally I'd be inclined to post something by Dali, but I! So, for your viewing pleasure, here is Starry Night:

It's clearly very beautiful, and I can easily imagine four best friends - stretched out on the ground marveling at the heavens while they talk about the future and their imminent separation... They'll always have the memory of that night emblazoned in their minds: shooting stars burning across the sky - proof that their friendship matters and that they'll always have each other, regardless of where their lives take them... I'd like to think that maybe this is what Van Gogh had in mind when he painted this
When I look at the stars, I can see my friends. As long as we have the night sky, we're together. So distance be damned!

'Cause I do not accept any less than someone just as real, as fabulous.

Posted by David on Monday, May 03, 2010 comments (1)

My darling, wonderful Jimenez responded to my request, and this is the painting that she would live in if she could:

I can totally see why she picked this... She'd just sit there in this room and eat...which is her favorite thing to do... She's probably eating right now... And that's why I love her... And well...I'd definitely take a little vacation from my Kandinsky and spend a few hours eating in this cafe with her while we talked trash about everyone else and ate lots of food and hit on the cute waiters...
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psycho-babble all upon your lips

Posted by David on Friday, April 23, 2010 comments (2)

I swear I've walked into this painting like a hundred times and I still keep coming back to it. I think it's time for you all to enjoy it as well:

It's a Kandinsky.
That's pretty much all you need to know. It's vibrant. It's explosive. It's so not content with being just a painting. I wish I could live in it. I'd trip about the landscape, learning new features and finding crazy-cool things to pique my interest. I don't think I could ever get bored in a world like this.
Anyways. This is the part where I extend an invitation to you all, my readers, my friends: all two of you.

If you could live in a painting, 
which one would it be?

Be sure to explain your reasoning, even though some paintings might be self-explanatory. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to just one painting. If artists did that, they'd prolly get hella bored. So, if you've got more than one painting in mind (I know I do...) then list 'em off, bitchez!
I look forward to reading your responses. 
I better get responses.
Because this topic is golden. 
So, yeah.

And no you can't have my number...'cause I lost my phone...

Posted by David on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 comments (1)

I found this and I decided that I should share it with you, because I care. 
Side note: I don't care. Ever. Make no mistake about that.
But on a serious note: I really do care...some of the time.
But I only do it when I have to or when it suits my needs on a personal level. 
And even then, it's likely that I'm being very disingenuous or duplicitous.
I'm just a bastard like that...oh well.

10 Signs That You Might Be An Idiot

1. You type ‘there’ when you mean ‘their’.
2. You press the already lit elevator button.
3. You get two pizzas, both half cheese and half pepperoni.
4. You get confused by the Starbucks cup sizes.
 5. You think that cats are smart because they are aloof [(What is a loof?)].
6. You are a self-professed vegetarian who eats fish.
7. You have a nervous breakdown when asked to not use the word ‘like’ so often.
 8. You send out your resume on cute stationery [(So putting my previous work experience on the Cats with Hats stationary is a bad idea?)].
9. You think you are saving money by buying things you don’t need during a sale.
10. You blame all your failures on anyone but yourself.

*By these definitions, everyone I love is an idiot. I'm quite alright with that.*

Misery loves company - and company loves more.

Posted by David on Monday, April 19, 2010 comments (2)

This is a hamster
I'm not really sure where I was going with this. I'm convinced that it was really interesting though. 
Oh well. Deal with this, people.
You love it.
You know you do.