I swear I've walked into this painting like a hundred times and I still keep coming back to it. I think it's time for you all to enjoy it as well:
That's pretty much all you need to know. It's vibrant. It's explosive. It's so not content with being just a painting. I wish I could live in it. I'd trip about the landscape, learning new features and finding crazy-cool things to pique my interest. I don't think I could ever get bored in a world like this.
Anyways. This is the part where I extend an invitation to you all, my readers, my friends: all two of you.
If you could live in a painting,
which one would it be?
Be sure to explain your reasoning, even though some paintings might be self-explanatory. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to just one painting. If artists did that, they'd prolly get hella bored. So, if you've got more than one painting in mind (I know I do...) then list 'em off, bitchez!
I look forward to reading your responses.
I better get responses.
Because this topic is golden.
Because this topic is golden.
So, yeah.
If I had to pick just one, which I don't appreciate by the way, I would choose the Night Cafe by van Gogh. How awesome would it be to sit on a quiet street in Paris with the stars shining switching between sipping coffee and a glass of wine wearing a cute lil Parisian outfit?! I of course would also eat my weight in pastries and listen to someone playing the violin. I'm also sure that there would be tons of handsome, romantic French men at my beck and call. That would be just fabulous.
Starry night, for obvious reasons. Or one of Monet's water lily paintings because I grew up with them and they're so wonderful and happy. Or Floppy Clocks by Dali because those are the best kind of clocks. I like the idea of time melting away and me no longer being on a schedule.
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