No, I think not; it's never to become, for I am not the one.

Posted by David on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yesterday I woke up at 8:30 am to take Siren and Jamie to Wabash. Siren got his car there and he spent the day with his mom and one of his friends. Jamie and I got back to Manchester at around 11:00 am or so. I took some time to walk around and I picked flowers and enjoyed the weather. I don't think I've ever had as much fun on a solo walk before. It was absolutely perfect. I got back at around 2:00pm or so and I chilled with Franky. He and I listened to music and he played some silly game on his computer while I silently judged some people I saw through the window of the apartment. He went to work. I stayed back. I started drawing and writing. I've been drawing a lot lately. I'd absolutely love to share some of my stuff, but I'm far too lazy to scan anything, so. I suppose you're all grateful for that.
I'm not really sure how the rest of my night went. I'm sure it was squandered by reading or drawing or some other form of useless activity.
Today, Jamie was supposed to come over here so we could take pictures for our Tarot deck. The weather is rather perfect for Temperance (which would be me, in case you were wondering). I don't think it's going to happen though, she's been really tired and she should prolly just sleep or something. I, on the other hand, have slept far too much and am ready to go back to not sleeping at all.
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be helping Al move some of her furniture from her parents' house to her apartment. I'm not really looking forward to the manual labor aspect, but it's something to do, and I just can't resist the need to help a friend (Well, I could if I wanted to, but it's just easier to go along with myself sometimes, I can be pretty persuasive.). I'm not sure what's going on after that. I might go see a movie or something.
Suggestions would be fabulous! (Comments...)


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