I'm feeling disconnected - must have been something I said.

Posted by David on Friday, May 21, 2010 comments (2)

So. (Has anyone noticed that I pretty much start out every thought this way?) Today was the last day for exams..and the last day for moving out of the dorms. Needless to say, it was a very stressful day for me... I woke up early, went to my exam, finished at like 12:00 or so, then I went to my room and began chucking things into garbage bags and throwing them away. Even after I did this, I still had a bunch of crap. But, since I have so much experience from moving around like a million times I managed to fit my fridge, microwave, tv, two large bins, a trashcan containing my movies and random electronics, and my over-sized laundry basket into Winston (my Honda). I'm just amazing like that. There's still room in the passenger seat too. Sadly enough, there was no way for me to fit my carpet or my futon :[
After I was done moving everything, I had to clean teh room. I only swept and closed the blinds. Thay accepted it as being clean, so I was like, "cool."
Then I had to go to work :[
Some really rude lady came in and pretty much set me off... I was really emotional for no reason and I very nearly cried in front of her. But I reigned in my madness and I was very kind to her... The instant she left I started convulsing and almost broke down. But, we were busy, so I stuttered and shook my way through order after order until Riley came in and gave me a flower. (Thoughtful, no?)
So. Then I was more or less alright. But I got busy again for the next 2 hours and didn't get anything done that I usually get done before I lock up. I was like...hours behind, and I was still twitchy about what happened with that lady...I think it had to do with me being sleep-deprived and stressed over exams and not feeling adequate...then she showed up and tried to imply that I was stupid and that she was in some way superior. If I'd been in to position to lash out at her, I would've commented that nobody with her hair could ever be superior to me.
Whatever. She's probably stressed herself and it's possible she may ave unintentionally lashed out at me. It happens sometimes. It doesn't make it right, but I'm not the type of person not to consider others' feelings. Well, I am. But only on occasion. Like when I'm joking or I'm just really disconnected from the topic.
I'm really really tired. I'd like to sleep for days. But I still have a few things to do tomorrow. Then after that, I'm free!!!! Except for work.
That's still an upside.

How did we get here? I used to know you so well...

Posted by David on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 comments (0)

So yesterday was the faculty Rockband Concert!!!!!!
For those of you who are not familiar with Manchester College customs, this means that the faculty dropped their semi-professional personas and replaced them with raucous musical instruments...
My Analytical Chemistry professor took up a bass guitar, my Physics professor took up a drum set, several electric guitars and a freaking flute!!!! (And lemme just say that the flute has probably got to be one of the sexiest instruments ever...next to the violin, of course...) The Botany professor totally killed some Santana with his supafly guitar skillz, and one of the most demure English/Gender Studies professors belted "Proud Mary" as if she were some kind of diva... Needless to say the entire experience was fabulous.
Katharine Ings is hot. She did this whole intro thing where she talked all salaciously and such. It was mildly uncomfortable, but it was still a good time. She was backed up by 3 other professors (Kate Eisenbise - she teaches my Christian Traditions class, and Jena Oke - an art professor and some other professor I've never had before...) Anyways, they opened the show, and it was wonderful...
It only got better after that because Dr. Clark switched out his drum set for a flute and just blew everyone away..and right after that, he picked up a guitar and performed "Money" (originally by Pink Floyd) with Dr. Hicks and Judd Case (One of the most fabulous communications professors ever!)
Later, prof. Case took the lead on Bon Jovi's "It's My Life." and in the nature of a true communications professor, he used a talk box...A legit talk box. That's hella cool.
Anyways. The entire show was amazing. Siren and I were rather stunned and amazed at how fluid all of the professors were. We were also convinced that perhaps Katharine Ings would end the show by singing a Lady GaGa number...Sadly to say, the final song was infact Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'." I could've just killed everyone in that damn audience..I despise Journey...and that damn song is still stuck in my head...
Whatever. I'm still swooning from Greg's fabulous flute playin' and his stunning guitar skillz (he double picked like a champ!) I just wish it could have lasted longer... I hope I can get a tape from Jenna. I will totally post it if I can get my hands on one...

She has a little creepy cat and a little creepy bat , little rocking chair and an old blue hat...

Posted by David on Wednesday, May 05, 2010 comments (3)

My darling Carrie has also responded to my request. She said that she would choose to live in a painting by Van Gogh (She also said she'd like to live in one of Monet's water lily paintings as well as one of Salvador Dali's floppy clock painting. Normally I'd be inclined to post something by Dali, but I! So, for your viewing pleasure, here is Starry Night:

It's clearly very beautiful, and I can easily imagine four best friends - stretched out on the ground marveling at the heavens while they talk about the future and their imminent separation... They'll always have the memory of that night emblazoned in their minds: shooting stars burning across the sky - proof that their friendship matters and that they'll always have each other, regardless of where their lives take them... I'd like to think that maybe this is what Van Gogh had in mind when he painted this
When I look at the stars, I can see my friends. As long as we have the night sky, we're together. So distance be damned!

'Cause I do not accept any less than someone just as real, as fabulous.

Posted by David on Monday, May 03, 2010 comments (1)

My darling, wonderful Jimenez responded to my request, and this is the painting that she would live in if she could:

I can totally see why she picked this... She'd just sit there in this room and eat...which is her favorite thing to do... She's probably eating right now... And that's why I love her... And well...I'd definitely take a little vacation from my Kandinsky and spend a few hours eating in this cafe with her while we talked trash about everyone else and ate lots of food and hit on the cute waiters...
Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psycho-babble all upon your lips

Posted by David on Friday, April 23, 2010 comments (2)

I swear I've walked into this painting like a hundred times and I still keep coming back to it. I think it's time for you all to enjoy it as well:

It's a Kandinsky.
That's pretty much all you need to know. It's vibrant. It's explosive. It's so not content with being just a painting. I wish I could live in it. I'd trip about the landscape, learning new features and finding crazy-cool things to pique my interest. I don't think I could ever get bored in a world like this.
Anyways. This is the part where I extend an invitation to you all, my readers, my friends: all two of you.

If you could live in a painting, 
which one would it be?

Be sure to explain your reasoning, even though some paintings might be self-explanatory. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to just one painting. If artists did that, they'd prolly get hella bored. So, if you've got more than one painting in mind (I know I do...) then list 'em off, bitchez!
I look forward to reading your responses. 
I better get responses.
Because this topic is golden. 
So, yeah.

And no you can't have my number...'cause I lost my phone...

Posted by David on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 comments (1)

I found this and I decided that I should share it with you, because I care. 
Side note: I don't care. Ever. Make no mistake about that.
But on a serious note: I really do care...some of the time.
But I only do it when I have to or when it suits my needs on a personal level. 
And even then, it's likely that I'm being very disingenuous or duplicitous.
I'm just a bastard like that...oh well.

10 Signs That You Might Be An Idiot

1. You type ‘there’ when you mean ‘their’.
2. You press the already lit elevator button.
3. You get two pizzas, both half cheese and half pepperoni.
4. You get confused by the Starbucks cup sizes.
 5. You think that cats are smart because they are aloof [(What is a loof?)].
6. You are a self-professed vegetarian who eats fish.
7. You have a nervous breakdown when asked to not use the word ‘like’ so often.
 8. You send out your resume on cute stationery [(So putting my previous work experience on the Cats with Hats stationary is a bad idea?)].
9. You think you are saving money by buying things you don’t need during a sale.
10. You blame all your failures on anyone but yourself.

*By these definitions, everyone I love is an idiot. I'm quite alright with that.*

Misery loves company - and company loves more.

Posted by David on Monday, April 19, 2010 comments (2)

This is a hamster
I'm not really sure where I was going with this. I'm convinced that it was really interesting though. 
Oh well. Deal with this, people.
You love it.
You know you do.

So I'm bound to say that I'm bound to stay.

Posted by David on Sunday, April 18, 2010 comments (3)

I just got back from taking pictures and running around in nature with Jamie and Siren.
Lemme just say, it was wonderful.
We went to the park at first, but there were an abundance of children...so we left. Who the hell brings children to a park - that just ruins all of the fun...
We ended up at the Public Access site instead. It's not the park, but it's still really beautiful. We all ran around like crazy people and we took pictures of each other. We also made a video. I might post it. I don't think there's really much of a a demand for that sort of thing, though but it could still happen.

Regardless, we had a really great time just chillin' and being amazing while documenting how amazing and wonderful we are. I wish we could do this sort of thing every day. It was pretty much perfect, and could only have been improved if there were more people involved (Jeana, Kimble, Carrie, Cassandra, Surah) and if there were kites. I love kites. We should all fly kites every day. I think that would make the world a much happier and beautiful place.
Like, when you're feeling stressed and just hate everything, just stop what you're doing and go fly a freaking kite. All your problems will seem so simple and easily fixed. Everything in your life will dissolve into peaceful tranquility for just a few moments, at least, and life would again be worth living.
So go fly a kite. Fly a damn kite. Make your day brighter with a supafly kite.

I am getting ready to move on, but you don't like it.

Posted by David on Saturday, April 17, 2010 comments (0)

So, please, someone, tell me exactly how friggin' nerdy I am. I've decided to build a Yu-Gi-Oh deck...
Yeah. That's pretty lame, eh?
Well. I'm convinced that it's a good idea. So. I'm gonna do it. And I've decided that it's going to be fairy themed.
This seems like the obvious choice for me since the fairies are the most visually appealing cards and they're fairly beastly if used correctly.
They're also the most compatible with making a counter/heal deck, which is exactly what I want. So I've filled it with monsters who give me bonuses when counter-traps are used and with ones that heal my life points. I'm not really sure if this is enough of a strategy for me to actually put up much of a fight against anyone else (my main opponents will probably be Siren and Michael) but I'm pretty confident that mah fairies will be adorable and sassy (Roflz, I did that just for you, Jeana) enough to hold their own against pretty much everything.

They'll all pretty much look like this:

They're super adorable!

Come dance with me - and don't you fake it.

Posted by David on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 comments (0)

I wrote this today so that I would have something to read for the poetry slam that one of the clubs at Manchester was hosting. I didn't really have too much time to prepare it, but I'm pretty happy about how it turned out. Leave me comments and tell me what you think!
I'm not really invested in this...
by David Sahli
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
You see, my English isn't so good.
So, it's possible that I may have misunderstood
your intent.
Could it be that possibly
you have an issue with me, being me?
'Cause, see,
I was just minding my own - 
and singing - 
not noticing you.
And in the bliss of my fabulous existence,
I seem to have stumbled into your
sad excuse for a reality - 
a mistake I won't soon make again.
And then,
when I tried to leave - 
to get back to my swingin' world
of sparkles and kittens - 
smitten with my zest for livin'
and being carefree,
chose to engage me in casual dialogue.
"'Ey, faggot!"
I believe is what you said.
And I must say that I was quite impressed
that you could articulate such a complex sentiment
without incurring a cerebral hemorrhage.
You were so original, so divisive, and so concise.
It's as if you've known me my whole life.
Out of mild annoyance
and lack of intrigue,
I accepted your welcoming invitation
to this stimulating conversation.
Without a second's hesitation,
I unleashed my reply
just between your eyes.
And with a practiced motion
I stepped around the fractured remains of your
dripping countenance and left you,
more or less,
the way I found you:
swollen-faced and uninteresting. 

Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war-drum.

Posted by David on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 comments (2)

So now that I'm no longer going to be a rich doctor, I'm going to have to change my future plans, just a little bit.

 For instance, I'll be living in a much smaller house, so I don't think my friends will be able to live with me...
It'll just be me and my pandas.
As you'll notice, these aren't real pandas. See, I'll be too damn poor to afford to be able to keep real pandas, so I'll sublimate my affection for those little bears by surrounding myself with silly imitations of the real thing.
Not having money will make it increasingly difficult for me to find someone with whom I can share my life, so in order to satisfy my need for companionship, I'll become a falconer. My falcon and I will go everywhere together; I'd even take it with me to the grocery store so we could do our shopping together.

This Horse-Bike hybrid will be my main form of transportation. I'll ride it to work, and to the grocery store, and to pretty much wherever I need to go.
Because, honestly, who needs a car when you've got a sweet ride like this, eh?

I'll have to appear cultured and highly sophisticated, since teachers are constantly being judged for that sort of thing, so I'll keep a piano in the sitting room. This is probably the classiest piano I'll be able to afford, so I'll show it off with pride. I guess this means that some time in the future I'll have to re-learn how to play... Meh, I've got time.

And once I'm too old to be considered 'hip' by my students, I'll have to adopt the persona of an old shut-in, which won't be difficult at all. I'll post this sign in my yard so that the neighborhood children will stay off of my lawn. This'll save me the trouble of yelling at them and shaking my fists...

You don't scare me.

Posted by David on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 comments (0)

Today, my tea-leaves warned me against being sedentary. They told me that I should strive to be more independent and that, though I'm already adaptable, I should strive to alter my environment as well as myself. They also said that I've gotten slightly complacent, which is a bad thing; but, this situation is easily remedied and I shouldn't stress about it too much because I'm going to work it out soon enough.
At least this is how I interpreted the dregs of my peppermint tea (There was a tree with a large root-system with a cat next to it, all towards the center with the cat closest to the side with the handle.).
I think this was a success.

I found this. I hope it makes you smile.
I know I did.

But that wasn't me, that was alter-ego. That wasn't me, that was Johnny Rockets...

Posted by David on Thursday, April 08, 2010 comments (0)

I just got back from meeting with the head of the Education department and the Chair of the Spanish Language departments. They said I'm slightly behind as far as the language classes go, but I am perfectly on track for the rest. So. I've just gotta take a few extra credit hours, spend a semester in Spain or Mexico, and then I'm all set to graduate on time! I'm hella excited!
On a less boring note, I've been listening to a lot of music lately. And that makes me happy. I've really gotten into this band called Chemlab and I've rediscovered some old favorites like Missy Elliot, Powerman 5000, old school Rihanna, Adele. I've prolly been spending too mush time in this endeavor, but I'm really happy about it, so I don't care too much.
Tomorrow, I don't have any classes. They're canceled because there's a student symposium going on and we're supposed to go to it and evaluate the speakers. I'll be taking the time allocated for that to sleep and prolly plan out the rest of my schedule for next year.
Right now, I'm going to take a nap. ^.^

And in the crush of the dark, I'll be your light in the mist.

Posted by David on Thursday, April 08, 2010 comments (3)

Today was fabulous!
I actually went to Christian Traditions today! And while in the class, I had an epiphany! I've decided to change my major from Pre-Med to Education. My new plan is to become a High School level Spanish teacher!
I know this doesn't seem like much to be happy about, but I'm so thrilled! I can't even begin to tell you how free I feel right now! I'm just so, I don't even know! I'm no longer under all of the pressure to be Mr. Science. I don't have to be stuck doing something just because I can. I can just do what I want to do, and be good at it! ^.^
So,  all of this happened during class, so I wasn't really paying attention to anything my professor was saying.
After class, I went to Improv. practice. It was really fun. I met up with Dorothy and Taryn afterwards and we went to dinner together. It was raining when we finished, so the three of us decided to play in the rain. We met up with some other people on the Mall and we played frisbee for like 2 hours. Once we were completely soaked, Taryn, Dorothy, and I went into one of the women's showers in East Hall and we took a shower together. It was hysterical. We put our wet clothes in the drier in the basement and we watched The Producers while we waited for them.
We didn't get to finish the movie before we had to leave for US, but that's alright. I had fun.

I'll never let you sweep me off my feet.

Posted by David on Monday, April 05, 2010 comments (0)

Hey everyone!
I didn't go to Christian Traditions today >.<
I'll definitely go Wednesday! I want to see what the professor made of my quiz. I took the liberty of writing in extra options for the multiple choice questions. I think she'll find them amusing. Yes, either that or she'll finally decide that I'm not taking her class seriously enough and that I should be repudiated immediately :3
I'm hoping for the best.

Here's a picture of a dolphin swimming with a cow:
I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be writing more soon. 

Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?

Posted by David on Sunday, April 04, 2010 comments (0)

Today was Easter. How lame is that? I didn't really do much. I chilled out, read some stuff for chemistry, reviewed things for other classes. A little earlier I made some fantastic vegan/vegetarian enchiladas. I took a package of tofu and sautéed it together with some seasonings. Then I added in some rice and beans to it and heated everything through. I rolled everything into flour tortillas; I added cheese to some, and I made two without cheese. Then I put the rolled tortillas in a pan, covered them with sauce and I let them heat through for a few minutes. Everyone really liked them! I was pretty psyched. I'll prolly have to make them again some time soon.
Well, I don't really have much more to say now. Classes start up again tomorrow, so I'm not too thrilled, but I think this half of the semester will be a little more exciting than the last half.
Here's hoping!

There he goes; my baby walks so slow.

Posted by David on Saturday, April 03, 2010 comments (0)

Greetings, all!
I've just recently set up a profile on LastFm. Well. I've set up a new profile and I've deleted my old one. I used to be PandaMafia, but I am now SillySahli on LastFm. I think it's rather befitting. Since SillySahli is now my name for pretty much everything. Whatever. Here's a link to my profile:

You should check it out and maybe make a profile of your own. Add me as a friend if you decide to join. We can compare music tastes and whatnot. It'll be amazing. 
Today is also Siren's birthday. I'm going to decorate the house for him since he's pretty much convinced that he's the only person in the world who can throw together a birthday party... I swear his ego's finally gotten bigger than his hair...and probably his feet, as well. Oh well. It'll add to the surprise. I can't wait to see his reaction. He'll prolly just act like he's been inconvenienced or something hilarious like that.
Wish me luck! <3

And it's not the weather; hand me my leather.

Posted by David on Thursday, April 01, 2010 comments (0)

So. I've decided to add a playlist freh to my page so that everyone can listen to my music with me. It'll prolly change at least every week, but sometimes it'll change more often than that. I'm hoping to be able to keep the list down to only 10 songs so that no one is overwhelmed, but I can't really make any promises. I hope there's enough variety in the list for all of you, I'm pretty eclectic and I don't really turn down any kind of music, except country. I usually just need time to find something I like about a song. After that, I'm usually hooked.
So. Get used to hearing some crazy noises an' such whenever you check mah page. Lemme know if you want the music to stop auto-playing. I'll change it up to make things more convenient for you.
You all are amazing.

No, I think not; it's never to become, for I am not the one.

Posted by David on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 comments (0)

Yesterday I woke up at 8:30 am to take Siren and Jamie to Wabash. Siren got his car there and he spent the day with his mom and one of his friends. Jamie and I got back to Manchester at around 11:00 am or so. I took some time to walk around and I picked flowers and enjoyed the weather. I don't think I've ever had as much fun on a solo walk before. It was absolutely perfect. I got back at around 2:00pm or so and I chilled with Franky. He and I listened to music and he played some silly game on his computer while I silently judged some people I saw through the window of the apartment. He went to work. I stayed back. I started drawing and writing. I've been drawing a lot lately. I'd absolutely love to share some of my stuff, but I'm far too lazy to scan anything, so. I suppose you're all grateful for that.
I'm not really sure how the rest of my night went. I'm sure it was squandered by reading or drawing or some other form of useless activity.
Today, Jamie was supposed to come over here so we could take pictures for our Tarot deck. The weather is rather perfect for Temperance (which would be me, in case you were wondering). I don't think it's going to happen though, she's been really tired and she should prolly just sleep or something. I, on the other hand, have slept far too much and am ready to go back to not sleeping at all.
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be helping Al move some of her furniture from her parents' house to her apartment. I'm not really looking forward to the manual labor aspect, but it's something to do, and I just can't resist the need to help a friend (Well, I could if I wanted to, but it's just easier to go along with myself sometimes, I can be pretty persuasive.). I'm not sure what's going on after that. I might go see a movie or something.
Suggestions would be fabulous! (Comments...)

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.

Posted by David on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 comments (0)

If I were a bee, my name would be Irving and this would be a daily occurrence...

Luckily enough, I'm not a bee and I have a better command of the English language than most everyone I know and I'm confident enough not to need anyone else's approval (It just helps to have it sometimes ;). I'm glad I could share this with you. And I'm glad that there are still people who read this poor excuse for a blog... I really need to start getting ideas an' such. I'm just usually too convinced that the constant rambling neuroticism that's become a permanent fixture in my psyche is a bit too much for these poor Interwebz to handle, much less my readers. Lemme know if this pathetic reasoning doesn't work for you. Perhaps you might be able to sway me into writing something of actual substance? You'll never know until you try!
Love and Light!

I believe in peace, Bitch!

Posted by David on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 comments (2)

So, as you all know, I'm incredibly needy and I require constant validation. I can only get this validation if you comment on my stuff. So, erm..... Everyone should get on that, eh?

Here's a picture of a weird panda thing...
So. Yeah. That's all...

With his power he banishes his followers, and sentences them to his own personal sins...

Posted by David on Sunday, March 28, 2010 comments (0)

Well. There was too much excitement for just one post. So. Here's another video that we made:

In this video, I'm Brock and Ash, Siren is Zubat and Pikachu. You'll notice that our castle that we'd previously built is guarded by Anubis, the Egyptian god of the Underworld. Best guard dog ever! We really enjoyed making this video. We're not really sure how it started, or why Pikachu was a drunk, but that's just how these things go I guess.

The kids are united and they will never be divided! Play this game right!

Posted by David on Sunday, March 28, 2010 comments (0)

So. Friday night was the first night of Spring Break! I was quite pumped, needless to say. I love not being obligated to follow any kind of rigid schedule; it allows for more naps. Anyways, a few of my friends went to Al's house to get hunkled and play with legos. We made some videos. Here they are.

Here, Siren is the voice of Zubat, Al is Anne, and I'm the Stingray and the Cat.

In this one, Siren is still Zubat, I'm Brock and the Stingray, Al is the Pac-Man pokéball.

I will feel a glow just thinking of you...

Posted by David on Friday, March 26, 2010 comments (1)

So. I was creepin' on Jeana earlier and I took this picture of her while she was doing some incredibly arduous task. She had no idea that I was in the room and she totally wasn't posing. This is just how she is all the time.
Li'l Giraffe

Dirty nails and iced lips - words are sealed with a fist.

Posted by David on Friday, March 26, 2010 comments (1)

This picture almost made me cry.

And, well. I like this one for obvious reasons (it was on the same site).

Everything they said about you, everything they've known was wrong.

Posted by David on Thursday, March 25, 2010 comments (0)

During Wind and Rain

by Thomas Hardy
       They sing their dearest songs—
       He, she, all of them—yea,
       Treble and tenor and bass,
            And one to play;
      With the candles mooning each face. . . .
            Ah, no; the years O!
How the sick leaves reel down in throngs!

       They clear the creeping moss—
       Elders and juniors—aye,
       Making the pathways neat
            And the garden gay;
       And they build a shady seat. . . .
            Ah, no; the years, the years,
See, the white storm-birds wing across.

       They are blithely breakfasting all—
       Men and maidens—yea,
       Under the summer tree,
            With a glimpse of the bay,
       While pet fowl come to the knee. . . .
            Ah, no; the years O!
And the rotten rose is ript from the wall.

       They change to a high new house,
       He, she, all of them—aye,
       Clocks and carpets and chairs
          On the lawn all day,
       And brightest things that are theirs. . . .
          Ah, no; the years, the years
Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs.

I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates. You've got a brand new key.

Posted by David on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 comments (0)

Has anyone ever heard of this fancy band called Pleymo? I'm going to assume you haven't. They're a french Nu metal and rapcore band. I bet this seems strangely out of character for me, but I've pretty much loved this band since I was like 15 or 16. They inspired me to learn French.

I think my favorite album would have to be "Keçkispasse?" It's absolutely amazing. Well. Most of it (my favorite song is called 'Nawak'). It's really appealing to my sensibilities because there are strange sounds and I find the music to be surprisingly melodic. But, my taste in music is completely skewed, so don't take my word for it. You can download the album here:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/jmzym5wubtd/Keçkispasse - Pleymo.zip

Let me know what you think!
This group's a bit odd, so I don't expect many of you to appreciate or like them. Just, you know, give 'em a chance, eh?

Buy it. Use it. Break it. Fix it. Trash it. Change it. Mail-upgrade it.

Posted by David on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 comments (0)

Your Computer is Magic!

Go here!
Learn more!

Wasn't that just the cutest?
It sure was.

Fast as you can, baby, scratch me out! Free yourself!

Posted by David on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 comments (0)

I've been finding some interesting pictures lately, and I've decided to share them with everyone. I'm sure you've seen some of them before, but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless!

Scooby Doo during the Zombie Apocalypse.
Notice how Fred, Shaggy, and Daphne are all dead.
It's just Velma and Scooby.
I gotta say that I think I prefer it this way.

I actually drew this one. I found this crazy-cool site:


I just started drawing. It was really fun.

So, If you have time, draw some pictures, and e-mail them to me:


I'll post the most interesting ones!

This is by Salvador Dalí!
It's fabulous!
At least I think it is.
It's possible that I have a thing for elephants with stilted legs.

This is almost too adorable for words.


I'm not going to say much about it, since it speaks for itself.

And, well, this...

This is just rad.


Strum me like a guitar, blow out my amplifier

Posted by David on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 comments (0)

Daily Deity!
  I'm totally kidding. Kabuto's not a god...but he is pretty swell, and he's back in the storyline! I'm so jazzed! I love Kabuto! He's so petty and vindictive, just like a Preh-uh Rican. This series just got back its luster! Good for you, Naruto!

Bandages on my legs and my arms from you! (Bandages, Bandages, Bandages)

Posted by David on Monday, March 22, 2010 comments (2)

Daily Deity!
She's the Hawaiian goddess of fire, dancing, lightning, volcanoes, and violence. She's kind of a big deal.

And why does everybody look the same?

Posted by David on Thursday, March 18, 2010 comments (3)

I was stumbling. This came up. I figured I should post it. It's awfully relevant, considering...well...just look at them....

Fashion before passion...

Colors of the world, spice up your life!

Posted by David on Thursday, March 18, 2010 comments (0)

Today was wonderful! We finished watching The Cove. I'm very glad to be rid of that damn thing. It was tragic. Screaming dolphins, mourning whale calls....I cried through the first half of the movie, and I thought that I would be able to make it through the second half without being quite as emotional. I held it together well enough until I heard the screeching and clicking of dolphins being murdered and of mothers watching their babies being harpooned. So, I pretty much started all out crying. I could've dealt with the images, but the sounds...no way.
After that horrible ordeal, I had my Comm. class. The professor decided to take our lesson outside. So, we sat on the steps in front of the library and she lectured us. Class ended like 30 minutes early, so Taryn and I went onto the Mall and we laid in the grass for like 45 minutes. The sun was so bright, and it was so windy. The ground was soft and just a little cold. It was perfect. I felt so connected to everything. I even fell asleep. When I woke up, I went back to Siren's for a bit until my SGA meeting.

Right now I'm watching Spice World. It's so amazing. The last time I'd seen it was when I was 7. I made my stepfather watch it with me in the theater. Back then, I didn't really pick up on all of the little slights and such. I also didn't realize that Hugh Laurie or Meat Loaf were in it. It was a rather unexpected surprise. All I noticed was the big clunky shoes and the overall cheesiness of the plot. If any of you ever get the chance, you should definitely watch this movie. 

Aggrevation dissolves into a joyous laughter!

Posted by David on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 comments (0)

Daily Deity!
Kali's my favorite Hindu goddess, if not my favorite goddess overall. She's multifaceted, and fabulous! She's associated with eternal energy, as well as change in time, where she is constant and everything around her is changing.. She was first seen as an agent of destruction and annihilation. In a more contemporary sense, she's seen as a benevolent mother. In Tantric beliefs, Kali is regarded as the unchanging energy from which the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva arise and fall. And, in case you didn't know, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are all major deities in the Hindu faith. Kali is basically their mother. She gives them life and sustenance. 
Without her, the universe is nothing. 

Me and a gun, and a man on my back...

Posted by David on Monday, March 15, 2010 comments (0)

I'm drawing parallels. Anybody wanna join me?
I think that about sums things up.

I'm on the right track. Yeah, I'm on to a winner.

Posted by David on Monday, March 15, 2010 comments (0)

As I promised earlier, I'm going to be posting some ridiculously adorable things. "Why?" you might ask. Well, It's because cute things make people happy. I'm happy, and I want other people to share in my happiness. So. Look at these things, and be happy. Okay?

This is a little baby Bunny. Feel free to get all fuzzy feeling.
Poor Photoshopping? Still adorable!
So cute! And potentially poisonous...

Well if they're making it..and you're pushing it...and you're leading us all along.

Posted by David on Sunday, March 14, 2010 comments (0)

Today, I saw this video. It's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen in my life. I so wish I were this Japanese man in the water with these silly whales.
I'm pretty much going to post other adorable things I've seen today. So. Get ready for a whole lotta cute!

I'm on fire, and now I think I'm ready to bust a move.

Posted by David on Saturday, March 13, 2010 comments (0)

           Dear Nature,
Today's going to be sunny. I've already decided. So. Just go with it, okay? It's just one day. I'm sure you can manage this one little thing. I just don't want rain. I can't deal with it at the moment. It's terribly inconvenient and makes walking outside quite impossible, since my hair tends to frizz and curl when exposed to water. I really appreciate you doing this for me. You're a peach. <3
                             Thanks in advance,

Eyes all sticky like honey on bees - look at that, look at how they lookin' at me.

Posted by David on Saturday, March 13, 2010 comments (1)

Today we celebrated Pat and Jeremy's birthdays. It was fabulous. We all partied, ate food, and played Egyptian Rat-Screw. Jamie won. A lot. But I gave that skanksta a challenge. And, one day, when I've discovered the Satanic spell she uses to slow down time so that she can slap the doubles before anyone else, I'll win, fer sher!
After the party died down, we left and came back to Siren's. He and I played Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't have my own cards, so I used Frankles' deck. Siren still beat me. Fail. But it was alright.
After Frankles went to bed, Siren and I watched Tuck Everlasting. It's a damn amazing movie. It's even better when Siren and I comment on everything. We also like to interject our own lines. It makes the plot so much spicier. After that, we watched the Sex and the City movie. Fabulous. Even though it takes like 1,000 hours. We finished it at 7:00 this morning. Which was a half hour ago. >.>
Anyways, I'm tired now, so I'm gonna sleep for a few hours. I'm hoping to get a lot done today. I've got a lot to think about. And I've got plenty to do, among which is taking Siren to see his parents so that he can get things from his car and stuff from their house. Then Harold and I are going to hang out, hopefully.
I can't wait!

Don't try to live so wise...

Posted by David on Friday, March 12, 2010 comments (0)

So! Today I'm listening to some of the music that I've been neglecting for the past few months. I was on this intense (in-tents) punk/metal/hardcore binge for a while and though I absolutely love it, I've decided to take a break and listen to some of the lighter stuff in my library. This can only mean one thing:

Peruvian Pan-Flute Bands!
This band in particular, Echoes of Incas, is pretty much one of my favorites. I only have one of their albums, Cordilleras, but it's so amazing! The first song is called Celebrando and every time I hear it, I dance like a crazy fool. It's just so...wow. I generally can't ever deny an acoustic guitar being plucked my a skillful Latino. It's a thing...

Anyways. Here's a link where you can download this album:

I hope you all really enjoy this. It's a really good listen, and it'll relax and energize you all at the same time.

We were elemental, talked down to bare essentials

Posted by David on Friday, March 12, 2010 comments (1)

Attention EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeana just called me and informed me, in her most giggly voice, that she now has a boyfriend!
His name's Mike. He's really cute and amazing. F'realz. I met him when I went down to Purdon't this past weekend.
And, I can only speculate (which is like being certain, at least in my case...) that Mike is also really happy.
And why wouldn't he be?
He gets to be with Jeana. And, as we all know, she's perfect. 
(He's perfect. So. They're perfect together...)
I'm gonna stop there. 
Jeana. I love you. 
- David A. Pandapants Sahli

Got no resolutions, no clever anecdotes to say...

Posted by David on Friday, March 12, 2010 comments (1)

Hey everyone!
Look at this!
This right here!

Wasn't that the single most amazing you've seen all day? (I think my favorite part was when she was making the sandwiches...)
Don't lie.
You know it was.
It also makes prison seem so much more glamorous than I'd previously imagined. So. Everyone. Go out and commit lots of crimes. Then bring a bunch of supafly-fantastic clothes with you when you get locked up. You'll have a fabulous time, and you'll get to make out with some really butch women.
It's pretty much the best scenario possible. So. Get on that, eh?

Dark wings, they are descending,

Posted by David on Thursday, March 11, 2010 comments (2)

Daily Deity!
~The Morrigan~
She's an Irish goddess of fertility, war, land, prophecy, and storms. She pretty much does everything.   

I let the beast in too soon

Posted by David on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 comments (3)

This past weekend I went to see my friends at Purdon't,. It was fantastic! I got there late Friday night because of my Improv. show (which was pretty amazing as well). I showed up at Cassandra's house first because I was kinda lost and she was one of the two people who knew that I was coming. She showed me her apartment, and then we drove to Kimble's. When we got there, Kimble, Jeana, and Carrie were all crazy and pretty much attacked me. We talked a lot. And we made a cake. It was so cool! Then we tried to watch Fern Gully, but everyone was really tired, so we just went to sleep.
The next morning, we went to the mall, Betheny came too. We pretty much walked around for a while and made fun of people. Then we ate at Panera Bread. Delicious. After that, we shopped some more, got bored, and then went back to Kimble's and Betheny's to take a nap. Patty was watching Spiderman 2.1. At around 8:00, we started getting ready to go out. We ate spaghetti, and then left.
We went to Cassandra's party first. We stayed there until like 11:00 or so and then we went off to a frat party that Kimble had been invited to by this guy, David. He was really nice and he paid a lot of attention to Kimble. I can't really say anything bad about him, which is so unusual for me. So. That's a really good thing. It was a fairly interesting night. There was a lot of dancing, and a lot of..well...let's just say that a lot of memories were made.
I got to meet Jeana's roommate, Emma. She's so fantastic. She and I are besties now. I also got to meet Anjuli and her boyfriend, Noah. They're both pretty amazing as well. Also! I got to meet Mike. He's this incredibly cute guy who's taken interest in Jeana. I approve. He and I danced to/sang Lovegame by Lady GaGa. It was rather precious.
The next morning, Patty made pancakes. Then Carrie had to leave. I left shortly after her. I was really sad to go. I'm really going to miss being there. I love all of them so much.

When I got back to school, I showered and went over to Siren's for Dylan's surprise party. There was a lot of dancing. And much merriment was had by all. ^.^
"You're just jealous because I'm Jeana..."
- Me

And when she whispers your blood shall run cold...

Posted by David on Thursday, March 04, 2010 comments (0)

Daily Deity!
 She's the embodiment of creative feminine energy and she is responsible for creation and change.

Nothing is ever easy in life

Posted by David on Thursday, March 04, 2010 comments (0)

Last night I watched The Master of Disguise with Surah and Felicia. Surah and I were working on our heresy papers while Felicia laughed her head off like a mad-woman. The entire experience was, in a word, counterproductive. I got absolutely nothing done on my paper. I pretty much spent the whole time laughing. That movie is just so ridiculous. In every facet of the word.
I did eventually finish my paper though, so now I'm going to finish my Vanishing essay (Which is late at this point...), my speech on Health Care reform, and my literature response.
They're all due tomorrow.
Ain't procrastination a kick?!

And well, Channing's here
purely for your enjoyment.

Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements?

Posted by David on Monday, March 01, 2010 comments (0)

 I want to read this book. I love a good dystopian novel.
I just can't get enough of tragically rendered societies and intercultural dissonance.
They're even better when they're set in the future. 

You're like a Black Cat with a black backpack full of Fireworks...

Posted by David on Monday, March 01, 2010 comments (0)

This will only end in disappointment. I'll finally get to see how popular I'm not.

Just another day (x3) You know you're something special (x3)

Posted by David on Monday, March 01, 2010 comments (0)

Watch this.

Yes. That's right.

So far from perfect, just doing the best I can [It's unconditional].

Posted by David on Monday, March 01, 2010 comments (2)

Last night's Improv. practice went rather well. Our new members were mostly fabulous (except for the guy who tried out tonight, he shouldn't be allowed to join) and I think this group we've got at the moment might be the best yet. I'm hoping that we're still working well with each other this Friday during our show in Cordier.
I'm not really nervous about these things anymore. I used to get jittery, but now it's just another thing that I've gotta do. I just wish I weren't feeling so incredibly...freh.
Oh well.
I've got Hall Council to deal with tonight, Gender Café tomorrow night, US on Wednesday, SGA's canceled on Thursday, and then a performance on Friday. There are papers to write, books to read, and about a billion other things to do as well.
There's no time to be distracted by silly emotions.
I was invited to go to Purdon't this weekend.
Regrettably I don't think I'll be able to make it.
I've got things on Friday, and Sunday is looking like it'll be busy as well.
Carrie, Kimble, Jeana, Cassandra - Don't hate me. Please.
I'm not nearly as okay as I seem.
You know how that goes, I'm sure.

Here is the darkest side of me

Posted by David on Saturday, February 27, 2010 comments (0)

I've lost interest in trying to do anything productive. Instead I've given myself over to watching this anime I found a while ago but have never found the time to actually watch. It's called Winter Cicada (Fuyu no Semi).

 This is a 3-part series. In the first part, the two main characters, Kusaka and Akizuki, meet each other. They  are from different clans with different collective ideologies. Akizuki is from a higher social class than Kusaka and he offers to teach him English. They become really good friends, despite the tension between their clans. They have to meet in secret and they're never allowed to tell anyone about each other.  
Their friendship turns to romantic love in the second part. They spend time together until Kusaka travels abroad to study in England. He and Akizuki agree to wait for each other.And when Kusaka comes back, he learns that these tensions that he'd left behind have escalated to all-out war. He has to fight against Akizuki's clan. And during each battle, he runs into the fray, searching for him. He eventually finds him. It's sentimental. And sad. And heartwarming, And so much more.
I'm still watching the third part. I bet I'm going to cry. It's just going to happen.
There's a lot of fighting in this series. It's a lot of sadness. But it's an amazingly beautiful story.

On cold wings...I'm coming.

Posted by David on Saturday, February 27, 2010 comments (0)

Lawlz. I slept for like...3 years.
And by that I mean I actually went to sleep.
It's a very strange occurrence for me, but I think I like it.
Sleeping is fabulous.
 I feel so refreshed!
Much like this ----------------------------------->
Only without the silly striped pajamas.
Because I'm so much cooler than that, y'heard?
Anyways, I haven't got too much planned for today. So I'm hopefully going to do some homework.
I know it's laughable to even suggest something so ludicrous, but I think I actually might get things done this time, even though my insatiable need to procrastinate usually wins all the time....I'm stupidly fighting the inevitable.
I'm stubborn.

Jump in the pit. Punch your friends in the face.

Posted by David on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 comments (0)

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it most"
Is it still technically nostalgia if you're reflecting on recent memories?
Like. Let's say that you've recently been incredibly happy, and you're still glowing from the mere thought and memory: like time spent together, words exchanged, and just silly randomness.
That definitely still counts, I'm sure of it. And I'm certain it's not like some kind strange fondness for the recent past, it's more to do with hope for the future. Like. Hope that this silver bliss will continue. That it'll grow. That I'll stop being afraid. That I'll accept this happiness and not run from it because I'm too worried about being hurt, or that I'm concerned with not being independent or that I'll lose myself in the process of sharing my life with someone else. I've gotta stop dwelling on the possibility of not being able to accept that someone else could feel anything for me when I can't seem to feel anything for myself.
It's silly. To be thinking all of these things. But it's all I can think about right now.
I'm scared. And that's alright.
Because shared joy is double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow.
Totally worth it.

Fear is only in our minds...

Posted by David on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 comments (0)

I am feeling slightly subdued at the moment. It's a rather strange feeling, but it's not unfamiliar. It's mostly inconvenient and a little sad. It's definitely not the end of the world though.
I've just got so much work to do and I've got so little time to do it all. So, of course, it makes sense that I would be writing and complaining instead of actually attempting to dent the mountain of things that I've got to do.
I'm just smart like that.

Shards of me, too sharp to put back together...

Posted by David on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 comments (0)

I'm feeling a bit confused. I'm being told one thing, and being made to feel a certain way, only to be told something completely different and to be made to feel something conflicting and in contrast to what I was feeling previously. So. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. Well. I know. But it's slightly inconvenient at the moment since it requires certain circumstances to occur in a specific succession. By that I mean I just have to wait. I hate waiting. I'm patient. But I still dislike not being instantly gratified. Whatever. It's just a week. I should stop being so dramatic.
I'm tired. And I'm slowly drowning in work. I just want to sleep.

I saw this watch on this website: gizmowatch.com. I think I want it. Maybe not for myself, but I think I could find some use for it. Isn't it neat?

If you're so smart, explain this Clarissa.

Posted by David on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 comments (0)

As all of you may know by now, I'm a terribly judgmental person. I tend to criticize everything and I'm seldom satisfied with the people around me. I've been thinking about why that is. I'd really like to know what makes me so completely opposed to everyone.
It could be that I have this notion of innate superiority , that maybe I'm just too amazing to even need to pay attention to anyone else who isn't my friend. It could be that I sympathize and empathize with people so easily that I tend to resent them for making me feel like I'm connected to them. It could be that everyone is just incredibly annoying and I have little tolerance for their antics. At any rate I can't get past this rampant animosity I have for the world.  
Granted, I'm not really like this with my friends. I'm still judgmental, but I'm not actively hateful towards them. I reserve that special cache of emotions for strangers and those that I've never properly met. For some reason, they just irk me until I can't even stand the sight of them. These feelings have gotten much better over the years as undesirables and strangers who I'll never accept as real people have become practically invisible. This is a good thing. It means I don't have to spend as much time as I used to actively hating those who weren't directly connected to me.
Maybe I'm just petty. Maybe I'm just jealous. Maybe I'm too neurotic and none of what I've said matters at all. Maybe I should just live with this unnecessarily harsh judgmental personality of mine and I should learn to apply it to practical means. Maybe I should just get over it and stop worrying becasue it really doesn't affect anyone other than myself.
If I were some kind of revolutionary, these feelings would be hella dangerous. Luckily enough, I'm not. 

Waiting is wasting, for people like me.

Posted by David on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 comments (1)

I woke up today feeling rather gloomy.
I don't much appreciate Tuesdays.
There's not much reason for me to do so.
They're horrible, and drawn out, and I'm never happy when they're around.
I also have issues with 8:00 a.m.
As far as I'm concerned, they can both just go die in a fire.
On a much happier note, I'm almost certain that I'll get to nap a little today after my classes. That'll cheer me up. It always does.

Oh tell me we both matter, don't we?

Posted by David on Monday, February 15, 2010 comments (0)

This weekend was fabulous. I learned how to play three supafly-fantastic games. The first game I learned to play was called "Zombies!!!" It involves building a map/game board and trying to survive while fighting zombies and gathering supplies. The only way to win is by reaching the Helipad, wherever it may have been placed, and then fighting all of the zombies therein, OR, by killing 25 zombies. It's pretty amazing and there are a lot of ways to screw over your opponents, which is something that I look for in every game I play. You get cards throughout the game that you can either play on yourself or others so that you can either improve your standings or make it difficult for your opponents. You can also roll at the end of your turn and you can move that number of Zombies one space. This allows for a lot more strategy and deceit. I love it. This may be one of my new favorite games. I've, so far, only played with 3 others at a time, but I'm guessing that it'd be even more insane-crazy with 5. Hopefully I'll get another chance to see how it goes.
Another game I learned to play is called "Settlers of Catan" which also involves building your own game board. It's a game of harvesting resources and building settlements and resources. I seem to have a flair for predicting where the best starting settlements are since I won almost every game I played. I'd highly recommend this game, and if you already have it, I'd recommend investing in an expansion - it's definitely worth it. I don't think I've ever played another board game like it. It's just so much fun and it can both promote comradery and animosity. Awesome.

The last game I learned was "Magic." I'm not very good at it and I only won one game, albeit it was my first time playing and I won so it's slightly impressive. I don't think I have much skill for it though, but I'm willing to learn.
Apart from all of the rampant game-playing, I got to have some much needed alone time with my friends. Siren and I talked a lot. It was nice. She's pretty fab.
I didn't get all of my reading and writing done that I'd planned to do, but that's not too much of an inconvenience. I'll get things done eventually.

But you, you're not allowed. You're uninvited.

Posted by David on Friday, February 12, 2010 comments (0)

I'm reading for Christian Traditions right now. My class is in about an hour, and I'm totally not going to finish. So that's why I'm wasting what little time I have to update everyone on how I'm doing.
Well. I'm feeling pretty tired at the moment, but that usually fades away when I'm done with all of my classes. I'm listening to Garbage now. I haven't listened to them in forever. They used to be my favorite band my freshman year of high school. My favorite songs were Cherry Lips and Temptation Waits. I should start listening to them again when I have a chance. As of now I have about 1,000,005 new songs and albums to listen to and obsess over (thanks Pumpkin <3).  I'm really looking forward to the weekend. I've got so much more reading to do for my other classes and I figured I could start some of the papers that are due later in the semester. I think Surah and I were going to do our heresy paper, so that'll be cool. We'll get a chance to hang out and to get things done. Being productive is so much better with friends. But before this whole fabulous homework train starts going, I'm going to spend tonight watching a movie with my man (I haven't really told him yet that I wanted to watch a movie so he might disagree. Whatevz.) and hopefully running from Zombies with some friends. I think it'll be a pretty good night.
And now that I've said all that, I think I'm going to go finish my reading. I'll leave you with this fabulous picture of Sarah Palin.

Cha Ching!!!!!!!

That fickle little bitch: Romance.

Posted by David on Thursday, February 11, 2010 comments (1)

I have this feeling that you all are going to grow tired of me posting music videos, but this one absolutely needed to be posted. It's perfect! It's a fabulous song by The Dresden Dolls and it has both Kelly and Margaret Cho. Who could ever ask for more?
Anyways. Here's the video. I hope you like it.

I promise it was worth it. <3

Btw, this is my new Desktop Background:

His name's Renji!

The world now opens its eyes and sees the dawning of a new day.

Posted by David on Thursday, February 11, 2010 comments (0)

I'm pretty fantastic. That's not a lie. That's not arrogance. That's the truth. Even so, I have this crippling fear of being inadequate for one reason or another. I don't know why. I just think that I'm still trying to become what I imagine as the ideal version of myself. It's not like I have seriously ridiculous expectations or anything, I just have standards for how I think I should be and I don't think I'll ever be completely happy with myself until I am an embodiment of my beliefs and ideals.
This bereavement has left me with a slight inability to be properly confident. I can act confident, but it isn't entirely genuine and it sometimes comes off as arrogance or pretension. And more often than not, when it comes to getting something that I want that won't necessarily benefit anyone but myself, I tend to be too timid in my approach so I rarely ever obtain the things I want when direct intervention is mandatory.
This being said, I can manage to be direct and completely in control when attempting something to benefit someone else. I can tap into this self-assurance for the sake of others, but I can't bring myself to do the same when I need to benefit my own personal situations.
Isn't that fucked up?
It's also a bit ridiculous.
So. I've decided, as some kind of self-affirming action, that I'm going to be direct when I want something or when I can't get what I want by finessing the situation or when my subtleties fail to get the desired results.
I say this all like it's going to be easy or something. I know it's gonna be hella difficult to basically deny my nature by being up front about my intentions, but I think it'll be better for me to develop this new sense of self now rather than later.
Therefore, I'm going to start being more aggressive in my efforts to get the things I want. I don't want to be mean about it though, I just want to be more explicit rather than masking my motives and resolve.
I hope this works out the way I want it to.

The perfect mistake I'm hoping you'll make right now...

Posted by David on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 comments (2)

So. As I've been saying, I'm listening to Cartel. A lot. And, I'm also listening to Opeth. A lot. And I'm listening to Atari Teenage Riot. A lot. (Thanks boo) If any of you know who any of these bands are, you'll realize that they're all incredibly different and none of them go together. At all. But. I don't care. I pretty much love all of these bands. Equally. Well. I tend to have preferences depending on my mood, but who doesn't, eh?
Presently, my favorite song just happens to be by Cartel. It's called 27 Steps. It's fabulous. Listen to it. Now.

I'm really not kidding. This song is amazing. It's a bit sad. But it's catchy as hell. I hope it makes you all as happy as it makes me. <3

I would die for peanut butter.

Posted by David on Tuesday, February 09, 2010 comments (5)

I'm watching The Devil Wears Prada and I'm doing some homework for Analytical Chemistry. I'm also doing research for a paper due in my Christian Traditions class. I'm supposed to defend a past religious belief that was deemed heretical by one of the early church councils. I'm thinking about defending "Socianism," which was the belief that God's omniscience was limited to absolutes and not on contingent truths. That's to say that God only knew definite events that would happen in the future and at any time (I'm assuming this was merely focused on events outside of human control or interference i.e. weather and other such natural phenomena.) but he would have no knowledge of future events that were based purely on the decisions that people would or wouldn't make, as this would, in essence, remove free-will.
I don't know why I chose this topic. I think I just like the word.
It's pretty fancy.
That being said, here's a list of some of my favorite words:
I'm sure there are others. The ones with stars are especially fabulous.